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SCMP x HKJC Most Nurturing Environment Award 2023

本校於7月15日在香港會議展覽中心獲得由南華早報主辦、香港賽馬會贊助的特別獎項:Student of the Year - Special Award for Most Nurturing Environment!此獎項會頒發給在培育學生方面具有卓越成就的學校,得獎學校致力為學生提供支持和鼓勵,讓他們在學術科目和課外活動中實現潛力。

今年Student of the Year - Special Award for Most Nurturing Environment 的主題是「採取行動,推動正向改變」。我們學校以發展「未來學校」、「社區學校」和「幸福學校」為目標,透過創新、多元及正面的教育方法,令我們的學生能夠在優越的環境中茁壯成長。


Congratulations to our school for receiving the prestigious Student of the Year - Special Award for Most Nurturing Environment 2023, presented by the South China Morning Post and The Hong Kong Jockey Club!

The Student of the Year – Special Award for Most Nurturing Environment is presented to schools that have exceptional dedication to providing unparalleled support and encouragement to help students with different talents realise their potential and have the chance to excel in academic subjects and extra curricular activities.

The theme of this year's Special Award, "Take action and drive positive change," perfectly encapsulates our school's unwavering commitment to being a "Well-being", "Community" and "Future" school. Our dynamic and innovative approach to education has yielded tremendous success, empowering our students to thrive in a nurturing campus environment that fosters creativity and growth.

We are deeply honored to have received this prestigious award, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the judges and esteemed guests who presented us with this incredible honor at the grand ceremony held on 15 July at the glamorous Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. We look forward to continuing to drive positive change and empowering our students to achieve greatness in all their future pursuits!

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