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起動計劃Project We Can - 覓計劃3.0

我校為「起動計劃Project We Can」的參與學校。本校數學科有幸成為本年度覓計劃3.0的領導實踐共同體。透過與不同的學校交流,優化本校的數學教與學。

11月14日,數學科有幸邀請到前中文大學數學教育碩士課程總監及教育碩士課程主任羅浩源博士到我校希耆館主持計劃啟動禮。 同時邀請了仁濟醫院靚次伯紀念中學、東華三院邱金元中學及培英中學的數學科科主任及其數學教學團隊同我校參與計劃啟動禮,當中仁濟醫院靚次伯紀念中學的曾國勇校長更親臨我校支持是次活動。


Our Mathematics Department has been invited to be one of the the core schools of Project WeCan this year.

We have invited Dr. Law Huk Yuen, the former Director of the CUHK Mathematics Education Master's Programme and the Director of the Faculty of Education CUHK, to the Kick-off Ceremony held in Gerontech Park of our school.

Participating Mathematics Teams are as follows:

1. Yan Chai Hospital Lan Chi Pat Memorial Secondary School 2.TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College 3.Pui Ying Secondary School

Dr. Law shared how the "TAD" model could enhance students' learning motivation and self-directed learning in more challenging Mathematical concepts.

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