此外,學生們到訪了著名的旅遊景點,例如魚尾獅公園、濱海藝術中心、S.E.A.海洋館、牛車水和小印度,對新加坡的歷史、多元文化及生物多樣性有更深的認識。他們還參觀了新加坡最古老的羅馬天主教教堂 - 善牧主教座堂。旅程正好在考試後,同學亦把握機會好好在新加坡名勝小島—聖淘沙玩樂一番。學生在炎炎夏日中,體驗刺激的天際線斜坡滑車和空中吊椅,玩得酣暢淋漓,意猶未盡!
[16:08, 2023年7月16日] NSM 陳穎妍副校長 Celests: We are delighted to share that 11 F.2 - 4 students joined the Singapore Study Tour, which was organized by our school's English department, from 26 June to 1 July. The primary objective of the study tour was to raise awareness about three Sustainable Development Goals: No Poverty (Goal 1), Good Health and Well-being (Goal 3), and Sustainable Cities and Communities (Goal 11).
During the tour, students had the opportunity to visit several locations, including the Housing & Development Board, the Sustainable Singapore Gallery, the Science Centre, and the NEWater Visitor Centre, where they gained valuable insights into these goals.
In addition to these educational visits, students also explored some of Singapore's most popular tourist attractions, such as the Merlion, Gardens by the Bay, S.E.A. Aquarium, Little India, and Chinatown, to gain a more authentic local experience of Singaporean history, multi cultures and biodiversity. They also visited the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, a historic and significant Catholic church in Singapore. To cap off their tour, students enjoyed a relaxing and fun time at Santosa, where they experienced the exhilarating Skyline Luge.
What made this tour even more special was our partnership with two local schools, St. Joseph's Institution and North Vista Secondary School. Our students were paired with Singaporean students as buddies, and teachers from SJI graciously arranged for our students to attend their classrooms. North Vista Secondary School also provided a guided tour of the HDB in Singapore, giving our students a better understanding of the country's housing policy. Our students even had the opportunity to give a presentation of public housing in Hong Kong with their Singaporean counterparts.
We are thrilled to have provided our students with such a memorable and enriching experience, especially after the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.