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Religion Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School is a Catholic school founded by the Salesian Church of Bousco.The Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB), originated in Italy, was founded by Italian priest Saint John Bosco in 1958. The Salesians of Don Bosco has been serving in Asia for more than a century. Having established in 1972 in Kwai Ching District, our school has been adopting the ‘Salesians Preventive System’ from John Bosco. ‘Salesians Preventive System’ is based on reason, religion and loving-kindness. Students are nurtured to be kind, caring, considerate and brave to face challenges to live a fruitful life.

疫情下教學新常態 強調情意教育

慈幼會伍少梅中學 想像促使學習無界限 以科技關懷長者

昨日今日疫日|中學校長患難中上一課 「細心留意,疫情下總有美善」

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