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為豐富高中學生對文學及耕植文化的認識,本校與香港文學館合作舉辦以「親蔬」為主題的一系列文學季活動。活動邀請專業作家陳婉珊擔任導師,讓學生親身體驗自然及農耕,並閱讀關於自然的作品,深入認識及欣賞自然的獨特之處,以親身體驗為創作文學的養份。陳婉珊為香港中文大學英文系一級榮譽學士,首部作品《愚木--短篇小說集》獲 2017 年香港中文文學雙年獎小說組推薦獎。


To enrich our senior school students’ understanding of literature and farming culture, our school and the House of Hong Kong Literature have jointly organized a series of activities. We are honoured to have invited the professional author, Ms Yuen Shan Chan, as the mentor of this event. Ms Chan has shared with our students a lot of personal experience on how to nurture and develop creativity on literature. Ms Chan earned her BA (First Honour, Major in English) in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her self-published debut book, Fool the Wood: a Collection of Short Stories won the 14th Hong Kong Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature in 2017.

The outstanding works from our form 4 and 5 students Chan Zheng Fung, Liao Yifeng,Chen Jiahui, Guo Mingze, Lin Hoi Tat and Huang Hongyu have been collected and recorded under the the House of Hong Kong Literature in 2022.

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