1B鄭禮杰、譚文希、布偉其及2A余梓鏗發表了他們的研究Cast our net on the right side: A Report on the Marine Sustainability of Hong Kong Fishing Industry (一個關於香港捕魚業的海洋可持續發展性報告)。他們的演講不但引起了參加者的興趣亦擴闊了同學們對這議題從本地到國際的視野。
The 6th Hong Kong Youth International Forum (HKIYF) is an annual student exchange forum organised by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Metropolitan Schools Council. Dr. Lam Wai Kin and Principal Chung Chi Yuen were invited to be the Guest of Honour of this annual event.
Every year, the HKIYF aims to raise’s students’ awareness on global issues by inviting local primary and secondary schools to conduct research of the selected Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) advocated by the United Nations. This year, a total of 12 schools have participated in the Forum by presenting their findings and analysis in English and having in-depth discussions of the issues. The theme for this year’s Forum is ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’ (SDG 12).
Chawla Jay (1B), Damien Vian (1B), Vir Rajukumar (1B) and Yu Tsz Hang Gordon (2A) have presented their research ‘Cast our net on the right side: A Report on the Marine Sustainability of Hong Kong Fishing Industry’ in the Forum. Their presentation has aroused participants’ interests and broaden their horizons towards this topic in a local and international setting.