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Our NET teachers MR  Brenton and Archer have designed the route that shows both the history and modern side of Tung Chung and explained all the features to students along the way in English on 28 Dec 2022! 

All the participating Non-Chinese abs Chinese students enjoyed a great day out and conversed with each other in English during the hike. After the hike, they would produce some VR videos about different landmarks of Tung Chung as part of their learning.

This year, our English Department is so fortunate to receive language support service from the EDB experts.  We are particularly grateful towards the support from Ms Jessie Lau, who has devoted lots of time to providing professional development to the panel.

Upcoming, there will be an inter-school lesson observation between our school and Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun).

Please stay tuned.  We will keep all of you informed of further details.

Don Bosco Olympics

Don Bosco Olympics, school’s annual cross-subject English event, was successfully held on Thursday 19th November 2020. This year, the event was larger in scale than previous years.  The event was fun-filled and engagement was great. 


The event has demonstrated that learning can be beyond the traditional classrooms.   On the day, students were given a chance to learn outside classroom by taking part in various kinds of games held by the departments of English, Maths, L.S., Science, Music and P.E.  As all the games were conducted in English, students were also provided with an opportunity to speak and use English in an authentic learning environment. English was used in a daily life context, such as listening to the English instructions and using English when students were communicating with their teammates.


Furthermore, the bond between teachers and students was strengthened in the event.  Collaborations between teachers and students were evident during the time when organizing and running the event.  Students helped produce the promotional videos by demonstrating how to play each activity and how to say the chant with teachers.  Meanwhile, teachers from different departments cooperated with one another closely to ensure a smooth run of the whole event.  In short, team spirit of Ng Siu Mui was literally illustrated in the event.  


As the sign of Olympics suggested, the inter-related circles resemble the togetherness of teachers and students in Ng Siu Mui.  Without their joint efforts, Don Bosco Olympics would not have been organized as fruitful as it was.


The encouraging remarks below from Ms Jessie Lau, the Language Support Officer from the EDB suffice to say how successful Don Bosco Olympics is this year:


“… Thanks heaps for giving me a chance to participate in such a big event of the school! Not only did I feel the established team spirit among students, but also the one among all of you! Especially the English Team!!! It’s incredible imagining the Olympics was prepared in just two weeks! To me, it’s like an Open Day! What a great team! Fantastic efforts and most importantly your great hearts too!!!”


“I am very delighted that you have invited me. It really widened my horizon of how a whole-school approach was adopted for a Language across the Curriculum activity day. It was really a great success!! Students could adopt an integrative use of language through different activities and tasks. It was really not easy to accomplish everything in such a short period of time. Most importantly, the team (not only the English Department, but also teachers in other KLAs) work closely together with one goal - engage students to learn in a more interactive and fun way!”





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