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CURA 網上國際交流計劃 2022/23 開幕典禮

CURA Programme 2022/2023開幕典禮於2022年10月22日順利舉行。本校連續第二年獲邀參加由新加坡聖約瑟書院舉辦的CURA Programme。

參與學校包括新加坡聖若瑟書院、喇沙書院、香港華仁書院、日本Seifu Nankai Jr. & Sr. 高中、韓國Suncheon Jeil High School、菲律賓De La Salle University Integrated School等。

CURA Programme能夠培養學生國際視野,放眼全球尤其是社區服務學習和國際文化等。在接下來的四星期裏,參與學生將就三個特定的可持續發展目標SDGs(3 良好健康與福祉、12 負責任消費和生產、13 氣候行動)進行深入討論,並提出嘗試解決以上問題的政策。

葉宏斌(2A)、譚文希(2B)、布偉其(2B)和余梓鏗(3A)本學年自願擔任學校代表參加CURA Programme。此計劃為他們提供了一個絕佳的機會,擴展他們的社交網絡,認識和結交來自新加坡、日本、韓國、菲律賓和香港的新朋友。

The Opening Ceremony of the CURA Virtual Exchange Programme 2022/2023

The Opening Ceremony of the CURA Programme 2022/2023 was held successfully on 22 Oct 2022. Our school was invited by St. Joseph’s Institution Singapore to participate in the CURA Programme for the second consecutive year.

Participating institutions include St. Joseph’s Institution Singapore, La Salle College, Wah Yan College, Hong Kong, Seifu Nankai Jr. & Sr. High School, Japan, Suncheon Jeil High School, South Korea, De La Salle University Integrated School, Philippines.

The aims of the CURA Programme are to engage our students at global levels in community service learning and intercultural understanding. In the upcoming weeks, all students will undergo intensive discussions of three selected SDGs (3 Good Health & Well-Being, 12 Responsible Comsumption & Production, 13 Climate Action) and to come up with policies to tackle the global issues.

Yap Hong Bin (2A), Damien Vian and Vir (2B) and Gordon Yu (3A) have volunteered to be the school representatives this year. The participation of the CURA Programme represents a fabulous opportunity for our students to extend their social networks across the globe and make new friends in Singapore, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and Hong Kong.

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