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認識「伍少梅中學」系列(一)——未來校園(Future School)




我們好希望可以找到跟我們理念一致的家長、同業,共同栽培香港未來的主人翁。附上一些相關報道給大家參考。 天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學「智能分藥器」 榮獲「我最喜愛STEM作品」 改善長者生活質素

【校長專欄】伍少梅中學校長將學生作品印上名片 陳葒:多元課程助學生走成材之路


【醉心科研】中一來港拒絕留級喜歡挑戰 投入STEM科研韓國奪科學獎高中轉選文科

學生設計智能分藥器實踐樂齡科技| 香港社會服務聯會 - 獨立媒體

NSM believes that the school is not solely a place for students to learn subject knowledge, but also an important learning platform to explore students' potential and interests, so that they can show their strengths and look forward to a bright future. Our school also aims to create different opportunities for students to apply what they have learnt into practice so that they are not only able to adapt to the unpredictable change, but also become the creators of future change.

NSM is devoted to becoming a future school. Through providing a variety of learning activities, students can experience, learn and apply STEAM, digital skills and become biliterate and trilingual and proficient in communication skills. It is hoped that students can be cultivated to be adaptable, adaptive, flexible talents in the 21st century.

NSM emphasizes the cultivation of the moral values of students, so that they can learn how to care about others and the world to make it a better place. Therefore, we create various possibilities to integrate moral values into our classrooms and lessons, even in our “STEAM” and P.E lessons.

We sincerely hope that we could share the same belief with our parents and colleagues to cultivate our future leaders of Hong Kong. Attached please find some relevant news articles for your reference so that you can know more about us.

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