English Workshop conducted by Professor Taeko Wydell - English KLA Professional Development)
On 28th August, Professor Taeko Wydell from Brunel University London, an Emeritus Professor in cognitive neuroscience, conducted a captivating educational workshop on the Impact of First Language (L1) on Second Language (L2) and its implications for teaching L2. The event was organized in collaboration with our school's English Language Department and supported by the Education University of Hong Kong. During the workshop, Professor Wydell shed light on the various linguistic factors influencing second language learning, fostering insightful discussions among our teachers to enhance preparations for the upcoming school year!
在8月28日,本校英文科團隊有幸得到香港教育大學支持,邀請了來自倫敦布魯內爾大學的榮譽退休教授Professor Taeko Wydell到校進行專業交流工作坊。工作坊以孩子的第一語言對第二語言學習的影響為題。教授仔細分析了影響語言學習的各種因素。本校老師在其中互相進行專業交流,為本年度的教學做充足準備!