本校生態教育園區亦被提名參加康樂及文化事務署2021/22年度綠化校園工程獎。經過一連串輪選後,本校有幸獲頒大園圃種植 (中學組) 優異獎,以表揚學校在綠化校園方面的出色表現。
To enhance the effectiveness of the school's ecological education and cultivate students' value in protecting the environment, our school has built an ecological and botanical garden in the open area outside the music room. Different types of plants are planted in the garden, which not only allows students to experience the environmental and ecological conservation, but also raises students’ awareness of going green.
Our eco and botanical garden was also nominated for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department's Greening School Project Award 2021/22. After several rounds of selection, we are honored to get the Merit Award under the category of Large Garden Plot (Secondary School) for our outstanding performance in greening our school.