本校未來人才培育計劃於9月24日舉辦了「長者學苑:耆英共學關懷活動」。是次活動由香港各界扶貧促進會及香港各界扶弱基金會贊助,既為長者們送上一份心意,也慶祝香港回歸 25 週年。活動中,我校學生與長者們共同學習椅子操,舒展筋骨;亦一同製作了精美的盆景擺設,在悠閒的週六上午共度愉快的時光,促進身心健康。
Our school's Talent Nurturing Program held the “Elder Academy – Elderly Co-Learning and Caring Activity” on 24th September. The event was sponsored by the Hong Kong Poverty Alleviation Association Limited and the Hong Kong Poverty Alleviation Foundation. It not only expressed caring to the elderly, but also celebrated the 25th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong. During the activity, our students and the elders learned a stretching exercise in a chair together; they also made beautiful bonsai (potted plant decoration) together. The pleasant time they stayed together on a leisurely Saturday morning is beneficial to both the physical and mental health.